Wednesday, August 27, 2008

2 month Dr appt.

I took Jordan to her 2 month doctor appt yesterday. They measured her at 23 1/2 inches and weighed her at 11 1/2 pounds. On the paper they give you with the percentages, it shows she is about in the 90% for height and about the 75% for weight. She had to have 3 shots, and she screamed her way through them, and for a few minutes after. (thank goodness for Tylenol, and the doctor for giving me a sample, since I hadn't bought any yet) The doctor checked her soft spot, and told me it is closing up too fast, so he wanted an x-ray done and sent me down to the lab. I had to hold Jordans head still while they did an x-ray of the front and one of the side of her head. Once again, she screamed her way through it. I talked to the doctor's assistant today, and thank the Lord, the radiologist says everything looks normal with her head. I am not sure what I would have done if there was a problem. Just having to get the x-rays done scared me out of my mind. I am so grateful to have such a healthy baby, and that she has been such a laid back mellow baby so far. She has even slept 8 straight hours during the night twice in the last week. Even with that said, I feel lucky with her sleep at night, she normally sleeps 5 to 6 hours during the first stretch and about 3 or 4 the second. From all the stories I have heard of babies waking 3 or 4 times a night, Jordan's 1 time she wakes seems like nothing.

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