Thursday, October 16, 2008

She is here.

So, Ariane is officially here, what is to be her home for now. I admire her, because I would be absolutely terrified to move to another country, where I don't really understand or speak the language, and have to rely on one person alone, who is for the most part, the only person you know in this completely new place. She does speak a tad bit of English, and she was so good to use what she does know at the airport. As it turns out, we chose to take her to not only a good ol' American joint, but more precisely a good ol' Utah joint. We picked Litza's pizza for our first lunch with our newest family member. It was fun, she tried Fry Sauce for the first time, seemed to like it. And, we laughed, even though it may have been delayed because we had to have our interpreter go between our conversations. She was so cute with Jordan, and even said she is glad she has all the kids to play with. (In our family, we really do have plenty of them for her.) I really do think I am going to love her, and I don't think it will take long. She is so cute, and it is so neat to finally be able to see the happiness first hand that she and Danny give each other. She must really love and trust him to put her life in his hands like she has. Braver woman than I could ever be.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yay! I'm excited for your family and Ariane!!! As soon as Jayanne comes home, we ought to get together!